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Saturday, February 22, 2025

How to manage a budget amidst the pandemic

A Budget and a pandemic never go together. A budget plays an important role in a successful person’s life. It encourages a person forward-thinking and help them understand how their actions must fit in. It covers income, expenditure, and investment. Even if you don’t use a budget spreadsheet, you probably need some way of determining where your money is going each month. Creating a budget can help you feel more in control of your finances and let you save money for your goals. The trick is to figure out a way to track your finances that works for you. The following steps can help you create a budget.

Know your income

The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in. Keep in mind, however, that it’s easy to overestimate what you can afford if you think of your total salary as what you have to spend.

Tip: If you are good at something outside work, a skill or a hobby using that to make an extra income is important in case you lose the job.

Set Goals

Saving money today affects what you spend now but also how much you’ll have later in life. You need to determine which goals address necessities and which ones cover luxuries. Then, you can prioritize your financial goals accordingly.

Immediate financial goals include covering current expenses. Some of these are obligatory and include your mortgage or rent payment, car loans, utility bills, child care, food, cell phone, and household supplies. Secondary goals, called discretionary items, include non-essential clothing, subscriptions, dining out, and taking vacations.

Track Expenses

Making a list of your monthly incomes, which may include your salary, bonus, commission, part-time jobs. Addition of all is your monthly income, this amount can vary, and using an estimate will be the best option. Expenses fall into three categories: fixed committed expenses, variable committed expenses, and discretionary expenses.

Analyze and Balance

The goal in budgeting is to make sure your expenses do not exceed your income. If it does, and more money is going out than is coming in, then you need to make adjustments. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to keep track of every penny; it just means it is time to revisit the discretionary cost category and see where you are willing and able to cut the fat.


After you’ve had a chance to monitor your income and expenses for a month or two, you will be more aware of areas that need adjusting. Maybe your initial monthly income estimates were off, or perhaps you didn’t account for expenses like car repairs or veterinary bills. Make adjustments, but always balance inflows with outflows.

Benefits in having a budget

Creating a budget sheds light on areas that many people neglect on a day-to-day basis. A budget allows for people to look at the big picture of their habits and sets new priorities. When people get a clearer picture of how they’ve been using their money, it allows them to shift expenditures into different categories making them more conscious of unnecessary spending.  Finances are one of the top stress-inducing situations. When there is a sense of control over the money coming in and the money going out, the stress can transform into empowerment. Having a budget can also allow a person to use money as a tool, by creating a mindset to focus on long – term goals and the future.

Using the popular 50/30/20 budget is key. In it, 50% of your income after tax on necessities, 30% on wants, and a minimum of 20% on savings and debt repayment. This plan is very simple. Over the long term, someone who follows these guidelines will have manageable debt, room to indulge occasionally, and savings to pay irregular or unexpected expenses and retire comfortably.

Needs which are 50% should include groceries, rent (housing), basic utilities, transport, insurance (if any), loan payments. Differentiating wants from need may be difficult. Needs are the basic essentials to live whereas wants are gifts, entertainment, and parties.

If you’re eager to get out of debt as fast as you can, you may decide your wants can wait until you have some savings or your debts are under control. But your budget shouldn’t be so austere that you can never buy anything just for fun. If you find flaws in the plan or your cash flow changes, you can modify it. Otherwise, try to stay with it. Consider using budgeting software or apps to help you. If you discipline yourself, you’ll be surprised as debts get paid, savings grow and your needs are met. Remember if your financial budget went to blind-alley using our platforms loan originators support you can cover your unplanned expenses in a quick way by applying for an instant loan online.

Stay updated regarding our next blog which will be issued next week Thursday…

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