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Sunday, February 23, 2025

FSS achieves above the world class employee satisfaction level at the workplace

Fintech software solutions is an international fintech company based in Sri Lanka, that develops and operates a software brand commonly known as Loanme.lk. Our mission is to revolutionize the fintech industry by making the finance service accessible to all. To comply with the dynamism of the business we have employed experienced and competent individuals, who are highly capable of adapting to the changes and improvements in the operating procedures. Currently, we employ over 70 employees, and we keep expanding in number and competitiveness.

While we strive to reach the industry benchmark level of competency of our work force, we commit to creating a happy and safe workplace for all our employees. Every six months we monitor the satisfaction level of our employees, and in the August of 2022, we conducted the survey using international standard employee satisfaction tools. Proudly we announce that we achieved 82.4%, which is the highest in industry and in par with a popular employer brand like Facebook, which claims FSS and Loanme brands of trust and satisfaction.

We have a complex performance management system, where employees of all levels are measured with predefined KPIs. With such tight control over the business, the HRM team must make sure the team remains motivated and happy at the workplace. The COVID period was the most challenging since the team had to be moved from the office to home and back. We had to make sure the team has distance access to our technology and remain efficient and connected with the values of the company. While we share our employee satisfaction survey results after such a challenging time, we consider very sincerely and sternly the areas of improvement, in creating a hundred percent happy and safe workplace for all our employees.

Excellent level of employee satisfaction is a jewel of trust and loyalty for a company. We have the pride and honor not only for setting the trend and revolutionizing the industry but also for developing and retaining the most competitive workforce who demonstrate the commitment of the management. This is a milestone we will cherish and continue to improve in becoming the most preferred employer brand in the country. We see beyond, work beyond and achieve beyond

Charles Rodrigo
Human Resources Manager
Fintech Software Solutions (pvt) Ltd

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